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market oriented economy中文是什么意思

用"market oriented economy"造句"market oriented economy"怎么读"market oriented economy" in a sentence


  • 市场主导型经济


  • On market oriented economy and enterprise management
  • In modern marketing oriented economy , the ability of marketing is the vital factor for enterprises to win competition . guofeng company is a son company of gansu binghe food group corporation
  • However , with the change from planned economy to market oriented economy , the malpractice of peasant household management of small scale was exposed day by day . scattered peasants could n ' t deal with the challenge of market
  • Despite the most of the state - owned enterprises had basically got the first class degree object that took off the trap , but to really adapt the market oriented economy , thoroughly convert operating mechanism , still had a long road to walk
  • From the analysis of ricardo ' s business ethic thoughts , first , we know that the business ethic ' s stimulation on market - oriented economy , which request us to enforce the construction of the ethic moral in the economic field . meanwhile , the market oriented economy selected consciously in our country and its built up primarily are also claiming us to do it . at the same time , the man ' s dynamic role and moral independence determine that we can intervene in the moral of the economy
  • As far as corporation promoter ' s liability is concerned , there are many defects about our country ' s current company law , which is the product of changing planned economy into market oriented economy . this paper promotes several ideas and related legislative advice in hope to benefit the legal system construction upon the analysis of mentioned defects , the study of western advanced company legislative experience and the economy development legal practice of china . the whole thesis consists of four parts
  • The last part draw a conclusion : 1st , we should set up the monetary innovation and adjustment mechanism ; 2nd , we should make sure the independence of monetary policy ; 3rd , we should aim at only one last target and change the monetary intermediary target in a flexible way ; 4th , we should speed up the pace of market oriented economy ; 5th , we should reform the enviroment of policy , etc
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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